Investing in farmlands in Hyderabad needs to be done carefully. These farmlands in Hyderabad are very valuable and fetch good returns. Buyers of such lands need to take necessary precautions before investing.

Buyers are keen on investing in farmlands in Hyderabad and of course, need to know all the facts of such farmland investments as well as precautions to be taken.

What do these buyers need to be aware of?

1. Know the land address

It is important to find out the exact extent, survey number as well as boundaries of the land that the buyer is planning to buy and the revenue village in which it happens to be located. It is also important to ascertain whether the details of the land shown on the paper and the land on the ground are similar. Also, It is indeed helpful to get the land surveyed before proceeding to purchase.

2. Classification of the land

The law does prohibit the purchase of certain categories of land. It is important to find out whether the land which is being bought falls under any of the prohibited categories. Much caution needs to be applied while purchasing farmlands in Hyderabad. Government lands, lands assigned to the landless poor by the government as well as forest land are the few categories of land that cannot be purchased. Only tribal can purchase land in Scheduled Areas (Tribal areas). Avoid any sort of conclusions about the classification of the land just based on entries in Pahani or Adangal.

3. Is the seller the real owner? 

A person who does own land can only sell it to others. The purchaser does get the same right that the seller has and if the seller has no right or has an insecure right then the purchaser also does get no right or insecure right. Title Deed, Pattadar Pass Book, 1B register do contain the details of the land owner. Seeing all these three records to know whether the seller is the real owner. Encumbrance Certificate also does show the name(s) of the owner(s) and earlier transactions on this land.

4. Existing claims and disputes

Find out whether there is any sort of existing claims or dispute on the land. Enquiry in Tehsil (Block Revenue) office helps and knowing about neighboring landowners who are better placed to reveal any existing claims or disputes.

5. Sale Deed and Registration

Getting hold of a detailed sale deed written with complete details about the land with the boundaries as well as the particulars about the owners. The sale deed needs to be compulsorily registered. Unregistered sale transactions are rather invalid.

Farmlands in Hyderabad: indications and precautions

6. Mutation

Applying to the Tehsildar (Block Revenue Officer) within ninety days from the date of registration in form 6A for making mutations in the land records and also getting Pattadar Pass Book as well as Title Deed. However, the application can be made even after the expiry of ninety days.

7. Survey and Sub-Division

Getting the land surveyed and subdivided is a good idea.

8. Entry in Pahani/Adangal

Get your details entered in the Pahani/Adangal

9. Obtain copies of land records

Obtain the certified copies of Pahani/Adangal, 1B register, and Tippan or FMB. Check the Pahani or Adangal every year to ensure that one’s name is in the record.

Governments need to lay more emphasis on educational campaigns

The Registrations & Stamps department of the Telangana government recently released a short video of about 15 minutes duration hoping to educate people about the things to be taken care of or documents to be cross-checked before buying an asset (land or flat), etc). This is a wonderful effort by a government department and should be emulated by all the states.


All these above-mentioned parameters for investing in farmlands in Hyderabad do apply also to investing in valuable farmlands in Hyderabad.

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